This program is Shareware! Registration after more than a few hours use is required! This program was created to be a very flexible utility. It could be used for designing (multi-level) games or worlds, for mapping out worlds as you explore and play them, for creating walk-thru's, or for just about anything where you need to associate Maps (with your own custom icons if desired) with notes for any given location. You can search your Maps for notes you've made. You can place Pictures on your Maps. You can Print out the Maps as well as the Notes you've made on them. The importance of ease of use has been given a lot of consideration. I really believe in the usefulness of this creation and would love to add whatever features people think would improve it. Some suggestions are on the Registration page. Speaking of that, I've put an inordinate amount of work into this and would like to have something to convince my wife that I should spend more time on it. I'm asking $15 for this initial version. Comments and bug reports are also appreciated. You can contact me at CompuServe [73217, 3414] or on the internet at I would like to thank John Raymonds for his invaluable help, sound advice, and patience. This product was created in Symantec C++ v8.0.4 and makes extensive use of the Think Class Libraries v2.0, both from ©Symantec Corporation.